Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 4th – Columbia University

Today was our quarterly trip to see Dr. Honig.  One thing that nagged me after our last appointment:  Dr. Honig felt a lot of Marcia’s speech issues where “memory related”, that she wasn’t remembering the word, how to form the word, etc…  Marcia could look at a word and not pronounce it correctly.

After Dr. Honig’s evaluation, he did reconsider the cause of Marcia’s speech issues. With each visit, Dr. Honig gets more convinced of an AD diagnosis, but Marcia’s “presentation is atypical”.  AD usually starts with memory.  With Marcia, it appears AD is starting in the communication area of the brain.  Does she have AD or PPA?  Dr. Honig believes she has AD with a PPA presentation.  He considers her AD “mild”, but sees a progression in her speech difficulties.

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